Thursday, 21 January 2010

You just can't help taking a deep breath

The smell of spring is in the air, it is only if you live and work out of doors that you might recognise the sensation and I am so very privileged to be able to put my hand up to that . I had the feeling of having just moved in here this morning, the air was new and refreshing like your first day on holiday...... We both set off on two different paths this morning with the vigor we wish we had every day but you have to be realistic and enjoy it when it actually knocks on your door . Mike spent all day finishing off the stair case in the barn and it is a fantastic job done, He uses his stocks of material and brings out tools I never knew exisisted and know why moving his workshop is a thought we do not want to visit, ever again. I have a need to check in on him when he is working with electrical tools and ladders, I try to send HOSS in true Lassie style, to see how his master is getting on but I get this stubborn wide open face asking, why...."you're the one who feeds me"....but checking in on a regular basis gives me the chance to look objectively at the job in hand so I can ponder on the possibilities of the next project, and with this fantastic attic space now so accessible, I am visualising a summer house and hobby room........thoughts for the future. In our lifetime we have seen the development of the Internet and the computer we all have needed to become so very expert at, and today I ordered a book from an Australian bookshop paid for it on my card to be delivered in the next 7 days to the Pearse house utterly amazing is that, we use the internet for an amazing amount of reasons, I must google for something or another every day, we had a Ford Explorer car manual delivered yesterday and I got an e-mail this morning to say that our printer ink cartridges are being despatched tomorrow. We both feel that life is thrashing ahead and developing on one hand but the other hand has to hold back to allow nature to recover and come to terms with itself. We are happy to hold both hands up and take advantage at every level where technology meets our "good life" living, and a quick visit to google earth to look at the bigger picture of where we are ....well just can't help taking a deep breath...

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