Sunday, 17 January 2010

Blue skies shining on us both ....and him...

Blue skies shining on me, nothing but blue skies and the temperature is at a very sensible 6 degrees so we were able to get the normal run of the mill feeding animals, dealing with the compost and generally cleaning up without layers of coats and gloves but did need wellies. I picked some lettuce leaves for lunch and Mike put up 5 coat hooks in HOSS's room so that we can use that entrance as the dirty weather room to hang wet coats and dump muddy boots. Every time Mike gets a job done I feel we have moved forward a little further and coming to grips with the sort of housework to keep the place looking authentic and good just makes every day purposeful. In the supermarkets we can buy all sorts of chemicals by the litre and are learning how to use them, the latest is a turpentine based solution that when applied to wooden furniture takes off the top layer and leaves a lovely clean stain free surface to start re-waxing. I am sure all this exists in the UK but we have never tried to keep our furniture in good nick and I am delighted just how easy it all is. The field is still scarily waterlogged, Mike cleared out the overflow pipes from the pond to keep the flow going. It is an important part of living on low lands and people are out making sure their flow is clear to move the water on. We went for a little ride out this afternoon and took one of those obscure little roads out towards Utah beach sign mer...and there it was, clean, wide and breathtaking. HOSS was as always totally beside himself and made sure that we walked and talked and laughed to take in those blue skies shining on us both....and him... of course......

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