Tuesday, 26 January 2010

trim some bushes and crop those trees.....

Wow, it has turned cold again. I have just got in from choir practice and the conversation is all weather and how chilly it is...who said only the British talk about the weather, this crowd I sing with, average age of 70, were wrapped up like Eskimos but it did liven up discussions about what's happening in the UK and how is my mum coping.........! We did a first attempt of Handel's Saraband and it is every bit as lovely as I hoped it would be but the other two tunes were dia, so roll on more practice sessions. Mike and I stayed in this morning, I wrote up the blog, late.....and then blanched the sprouts and they look good, I had them frozen and in bags by late afternoon. I put the leeks in my largest pot with just about everything you could imagine that goes into soup, the house smells like my grandparents house in Brussels, boiled leeks and cress soup, every house should smell like it except that Mike hates it and I need to seriously air the kitchen after a cooking session of that magnitude. We went out to the post office with letters to Australia and Canada, the post mistress is now full of chat and interest about who I am sending to and of course then she wishes she had never asked once I launch myself into the explanation. We visited my friend Anne for afternoon tea and sat by her roaring fire, she is a retired art teacher and also has a great voice, we sing together and now we have a plan to paint together so I am looking forward to a bit of tuition. Mike and I both have hurt hands today from being spiked and battered by the hedge yesterday but it all feels a lot better this evening so tomorrow I hope we will be able to go out to trim some bushes and crop those trees.....

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