Friday, 29 January 2010

Patients is a Virtue and I really don't have either.

It's 21.44 ( it is dark outside) and I have just come in from HOSS's last run for the day and just had to tell you about the amazing moon high in the sky tonight. The light from a full moon is just so bright and clear and the moon shadows beautifully defined and crisp. I was able to walk around the field without a torch, which unnerved HOSS a little as I am sure he uses that last walk to get up to no good whilst I am not looking.......Mike has built us a wardrobe cupboard in the middle room so that all our spare and off season stuff can go away and de-clutter our everyday space. It is unfathomable why we keep such a stock of clothing and I suspect we are Conservative, but there you have it, two bulging wardrobes and no desire to have a chuck out as we both know we will need it all at some point ....yeah right...I thought about going to prepare the allotment for the shallots but the weather turned against me and it has rained steadily all day. We did a visit to the Maire's office in Brevands to see if they had any plans for the reconstruction of our house in 1977 and low and behold, the project plans were there so we now have architechs measurements but no chimney or plumbing plans so we will have to start making our own to find a way to get the sink plumbed into our bedroom missing the chimney stack and the dodgy plumbing. I wanted to to get some pruning and trimming done this week and had been ready to go several times but Mike was stalling a little, then mentioned that we needed to wait till March and April to get that work done and as usual I am getting way ahead of myself. Patients is a Virtue and I really don't have either.

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