Sunday, 28 February 2010

Thank you to Peter and Sarah for being such good company

For once we can safely say that the weather chappies got their facts right today.....Mike and I keep an eye on the forecast for the south of England and take a guess at what is happening that 100 miles further south. The French Meteo is always a bit vague, the whole of France is split into four equal parts with a symbol plonked in each quarter and does not fill you with much confidence so we take an educated guess on the South Today and Chanel 5 forecasts....soooooo yesterday we got a suspicion that there was a big weather event coming so we wheel barrowed half a square meter of red gravel into the beach garden. Where there was chaos and mess, once the gravel went in there was cool serene and ordered calm, gravel fills in gaps, sets up contrasts in colour and shape and I just absolutely love dumping it and raking it out. In fact, we both enjoy it and competed to see who would have the rake in hand to do the final finishing was always is...The Beach garden is now a planned chaos of shells pebbles and drift wood one side and smooth clean-cut gravel the other...I just love it. Because we believed the forecast for today I phoned a friend last night and we got together for a traditional roast Sunday lunch with the added delight of cauliflower picked that morning, and Yes it did rain all day, non stop. Thank you to Peter and Sarah for being such good company. Happy birthday to my Mum, 84 yesterday ...fantastic

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