Thursday, 18 February 2010

Being so grown up.

I have explained before how very impressed I am with Mikes ability to dig holes, well, today I applied all that subconscious tutoring, donned my wellies, spade and barra and took myself into the allotment to correct yet another planting error. In 2007 we picked some seeds from a bush at the Marina in Carentan, sewed them and nutured the seedlings and hey presto I ended up with 16 little bushes. We went back to the Marina to see what this bush looked like and are still at a loss as to what they are and what they need to flourish but after a season in the soil I now realize they actually require the opposite to what I have given them and today I dug up 12 and put them all together in a tight line where they can grow into each other and discover who they really are. With my confident air and diggers cap on I then moved the overcrowded Deutsia and a Box from the Gate garden to the Wood garden. I was delighted, there comes a time when Mike and I find an equality in what we do, we found it in our sailing and now we find it in our gardening, but not in playing golf...... Each of us has jobs the other can't do, sawing wood for me and cooking everyday for Mike but here we are both able to dig holes, how fantastic is that. On our way off the field, (Mike was laying his mole traps again, oh, and did I mention I was digging holes)......and our Mum cat Hiss, trotted off with us, mouse in mouth. Hiss is an extraordinary hunter and weened baby Oz now eight months old on fresh rabbit, mouse and vole, she has been bringing back these offerings to her baby and has also been taking her out on hunting trips, they are now both the same size although I would say baby is fatter. Today though we were just astounded when we walked around to the out house, to see Mum sat to attention watching baby crunch her way through the spoils of the hunt. I was quite touched that a mum's love and bond was still so very strong and dedicated despite her baby being so grown up.

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