Thursday, 29 April 2010

For the next three days it is hole in the wall and keeping the dust to a gentle fog.

We have been preparing for two days, moving furniture, packing our ornaments away and covering everything with dust sheets in order to have our mate Michael come around to install the double doors into the lounge. Mike has put up a plastic curtain across the room so he is thinking housework and I really appreciate the sentiment. The weather is cooler today so the watering we did last night is having an impact and I can relax a little. Mike and Michael are working together and I don't have to translate or be involved in any way, they have all the boys toys out and are have a good time trying to Kango their way into the lounge from the outside. With all this testosterone in the house I did a really girly thing and made a cake and went into the loft looking for things to take to the car boot on Sunday.
I am only allowed two selling opportunities in one year without being in business and had to sign a declaration that I, will conform. I guess I could do a boot sale in Mike's name then in HOSS's name and then move onto the Chickens, duchess, nasty, mum and cockadoodledo and that would cover the car boot season for the year. I am not that disappointed that I can't car boot for a living as it is unequivocally boring and unlike the UK, they really do go on to six in the evening, so potential, a 12 hour stake out.....
Everything in the garden is growing well we have had no failures so far. I planted out 30 cabbages, 50 leeks, and we have dwarf beans, runner beans and sweetcorn waiting for our attention but today and for the next three days it is hole in the wall, and keeping the dust to a gentle fog.

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