Sunday, 4 April 2010

Came home to collapse infront of Saturday night UK TV and fell asleep, it is good to talk.

We had jolly good company yesterday in more ways than one, it all started with a quiet walk around the garden with my mate Anne with whom I sing with on a Tuesday night and then we sat down and had a proper lovely lunch just chatting about everything and anything. Anne, Mike and I are of the same vintage and it is novel and pleasant for us to chat to somebody who is from our era. We are confounded by the age of our acquaintances and friends and we find ourselves wave madly at Genevieve's uncle who is 95 and Geneviere herself who I put right up there with my best mates is 76 so you can appreciate that when a whipper snapper turns up we are keen to hang on for relevant aged discussion. During our 1954 mode lunch my 84 year old friend Jacqueline with whom we make cider with every year, phoned to say she needed an Internet connection for her sons friend and could they come around, so we ended up 6 around the table with a Kiwi, Yank, Canadian playing on Mike's PC trying to send a very vital and important document somewhere in France. We then all ended up in Jacqueline's huge reception room at La capitanerie later that evening for aperitifs where I had another opportunity to tel our story and that of my Mum's, how come I speak french, Mike dosn't and how we manage. By the end of the day I was numb from talking and laughing, we turned down the offer of dinner at jacqualine's and came home to collapse infront of Saturday night UK TV and fell asleep, it is good to talk.

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