With all the seedlings successfully showing it is important to spend an hour or so in the poly and germination plant every day to keep on top of the duties, we prick out and pot on, but this year we have run out of pots. When we moved in I sorted good pots, bad pots and pots that had attitude and intended to chuck out all those that did not please, but this year we have exhausted our huge supply and I now need to start planting out to free up a fresh supply ...unbelievable.
Mike did a complete weed killer tour of the garden, the squish and squash sound of his pump promises workable ground and weed free digging and I love to hear him make his way around the new areas we have discussed and decided to enlarge and those where we should have been more vigilant with hand weeding, but a good dose puts all that to rights. We then do the guided tour of what is and what isn't going to die and I was silently broken in two when Mike proudly announced that he had got these little buggers which only I know are Honesty which I had grown from seed collected in Harmondswater the last time we visited Bracknell before Mike's Dad died.......it was OK though because I have plenty more in the potager and I will replant but the initial OH NO, although a little drama queen, was quickly forgiven. Honesty can look like a weed and it is not until you have grown from seed that you learn to trust your keen eye
....weed, plant, weed, plant.......rule of thumb, if is is tough to pull it is a weed if it just pulls out without resistance it is a plant, and then it is too late to do anything about it..
We went out to the beach late last night to look at the sea, we have done this so often to check sea state and the white rolling waves and stiff breeze gave us another landlubbed day but at least the sun is shining.
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