Wednesday 17 March 2010

I was mad with enthusiasm again and that is the plan

When ever you start something new the promises of continuity and habit making are strong and brave but the reality of boredom and a pre-occupied mind is actually the case.....this has been in the past our prblem with sewing seeds, for the first few days you are there looking and willing the seedlings to come and visit and then you get bored and move on. This year, however, Mike and I have made a promise to visit the potting shed every day and it has paid off already as the seeds have responded by appearing quickly and efficiently on our special hot bed ...with lid...and a visit to the germination plant, as we now call it, is filled with excitement and wonder. Mike sewed cabbage eight days ago and he was pricking them out yesterday, we have 88 plants, oooohhh, so too many, I have warned Anne and Sarah to get their beds dug over and expect cabbage plants soon. We also unloaded the shells onto the boat garden having laid a fleece weed barrier to slow that event down. The shells crashed and smashed when we threw them on as that proved to be the best way to scatter and I was surprised to see that we were left short and will need to go again soon to collect more. We have become very honest with each other and despite my mad enthusiasm for the shells I was free to mention that I am actually not mad with the aesthetic look of a pile of shells around a boat so Mike , always the problem solver suggested a concrete plinth to put the bistro chairs on would break up the expanse of shells, I was mad with enthusiasm again and that is the plan

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