Wednesday, 29 September 2010

night caps are something in abundance here at the moment.

We went to the depot vends middle of last week to practice looking at, and pricing  potential trinkets for us to buy and sell. I am looking at stuff that could easily go in the post so that we can play e-bay from France and post to the UK. We both feel we have hit a bit of a flat point and would like to have a small revenue stream to get a kick out of something. The garden is all well and good but it lacks that  profit making satisfaction buzz. While we were at the depot vends we came across a fabulous dresser and I just fell in love with it, the detail in the wood work was amazing and I just could not take my eyes away from it. One thing led to another and we also bought a wonderful Louis style three piece suite to give our lounge a more authentic feel for those long winter evenings when we spend hours cuddled up in front of the fire. The existing side board and display cabinet in the lounge are part of a  large dining suite, the table of which is in the out house and the 6 chairs are all around the house filling corners. When we bought this suite in Watten we thought it would look great in our new house in Brevands but we have slowly moved the table and chairs  out to make the lounge into the room we wanted. The whole set is now up for sale and I have a response already and have sent a pack of photos in the wild and ambitious hope that Trudie, the lady requesting the pictures will love it and come and pay me lots of Euros and take it home to make way for our new look lounge. Mike has taken all the flock wall paper off the walls and we are going for a plain look to give the new furniture a chance to breath and be seen. Flock covering has it's place in this life but not on my walls and I can't wait to get some simple lines to smarten up our act a little.
When we took Beema to Cherbourg we spent a couple of days emptying all the lockers and repacking them and chucking all the dross that you keep because you forgot why you had it in the first place, well we are doing it all over again but this time we are going through the house.  I emptied the side board and what filled a box eight feet by five feet by three feet is now in a couple of cardboard boxes waiting for the other dresser to arrive. I could not believe the rubbish we were hanging onto, and, it is so good for the soul having a root round and chuck out. I found four bottles of brandy and two bottles of gin stashed away so tonight we will have a little night cap as night caps are something in abundance here at the moment.

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