Saturday, 2 October 2010

A touch of once bitten twice shy.

Sadly nobody wants my beautiful dining suite and the price guide offered by the depot vends in Coutance makes it worthless and has more value as a storage cupboard in the garage. Mike's logical thinking puts it's value in the price of wood and to construct a storage unit of that size would cost considerably more than 200 euros, so the side board is in the garage the display cabinet remains in the lounge showing off all my emotional clutter and the chairs remain in the bedrooms. It is not my ideal solution but we have plans to use the wooden doors as wall coverings,  but not in this house,  so Mike has waxed up the heavily carved doors for future use where ever that might be, and I have a huge capacity in organised storage so we are all happy.
We had Ann and Graham over for lunch yesterday and it rained all day. We couldn't get out onto the park for a looksie but we had so much to chat about and we were still at table at 4:00. It is really interesting getting to know people, with all their stories and back ground and I am glad to say that we really do have a lot in common with this couple.
The walls in the lounge are all plain, we did think to leave one wall papered as a feature wall but having appreciated  the brightness and cleanliness of plain white walls there was no discussion and the whole lot came down. The room looks twice the size it was before we started and we will see how we feel when the other furniture turns up, the display cabinet may still have to go.
The grass in the Park is visibly growing in front of my very eyes, it is warm and very wet out there and every time I go to give HOSS a run I can see a difference even it is only a few hours difference, the growth has to be seen to be believed. Mike has just given me a meteo report and we are stuck with this rain for a few days which we are OK with because we can just do nothing, or nothing or even nothing. I should start drawing and being arty but it is easier and far more comfortable to sit and watch the TV. When we were working we would hand over an entire day at the weekend to TV and vegetating and I don't see why we have to stop just because we are retired. It does of course mean that we don't sleep at night,  we are more rested that a rested rester, but we don't complain about that.
I have noticed mouse poo in the out-house so I have decanted the cat back to the back door from the barn. She did a really good job of clearing the barn of rats and mice but I need her closer to home now and it is so much easier for me to feed her down here  in the winter months
We are preparing for another hard winter, I have spotted that the farmers are putting their bales of hay around the outside of the fields close to the hedges this year,  I  guess so they can more easily collect and distribute the winter feed if we should go winter wonder land again, it is a bit like shutting the door after the horse has bolted but is also a touch of once bitten twice shy.

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