Last week I tried to apply for a French medical insurance travel card so that when we come to the UK we get medical care through the French system, other wise, we would need to pay for all our treatment in the UK, I was astonished when I was told that we no longer had the right to medical care in France, and when I spoke to the french Customer Services I was unable to explain myself or understand why we had been struck off and as the woman on the other end was unable to get herself understood she just put the phone down on me. Fortunately there is a help line for UK expats and a very competent french young lady explained the problem and gave me all the info I needed in English. Mike and I drove over to St Lo to deliver all the paper work I had put in the post, special delivery, last year, that had not made it onto a desk for processing. Today I called the contact I had at our regional NHS head quarters who explained that there had been a document missing last year and the dossier, had been left unattended but it was now under control.....she thinks. I have to send, again, all the documentation to prove we were in France in 2006, which gave us the right to be in the system. When we moved to Brevands in 2007 the government announced that all residents that were not French nationals or over 65 had to pay for their own medical care and If we had come to France and straight here, we would have been in that category. Fortunately our time in Watten discovering we didn't want to work or be in business in France or any where else for that matter gave us the right to stay, but then, like now, it is a very dodgy situation to be in and frankly I don't like it. Good news today is that our tax bill came in and we have nothing to pay, zero, nil, rien, so we do feel that at least the tax man is on our side....who can honestly say that.
Happy 7th aniversay to Deb and Jez, be happy and content with your life.
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